As you know Kyle is spearheading the early sign up for the Carpinteria Triathlon. If you are planning on doing it, read this, it's important:

  There have been a number of people that have asked the best way to get me the application waiver and money. Remember you need to fill out the application and sign the waiver.  You can find the application and waiver here .  The cost is $80.75 for the Olympic and $63.75 for the sprint.  There is no discount for relays. Remember to include $10 if you do not have a USAT membership. I will be mailing them on Monday August 4th so you have about 2 weeks. Make sure you get it to me by that date. Thanks. 

The best ways to get all of that are the following.

1.  You can drop it off at my work Asylum Research. The Address is: 6310 Hollister Ave. You can call me when your dropping it off (661) 733-1604 or just leave it with the receptionist.

2. I'm normally at track workouts on Tuesday and nite moves on wed. So you could just hand it to me that way.

3. I live at 2310 Anacapa St. SB CA 93105 and you can leave it in the mail box (which is at the door) or mail it to me.

If you have any questions shoot me and email or call me (661) 733-1604

Thanks Guys,
