We have a couple of fun things this week, well that's if you call track fun!!!
Tuesday will be track at CC, here's the scoop from Kyle:
5:30 at the City College Tract Tomorrow (that will be Tuesday November 4th)
The Pyramid (4 miles)
All done at 5km pace , recovery half of effort time.
400m (about 45s rest)
800m (about 1:30 rest)
1200m (about 2:15 rest)
1600m (about 3:00 rest)
1200m (about 2:15 rest)
800m (about 1:30 rest)
See You Guys Tomorrow!
Wednesday we have Nite Grooves. It's too dark to swim now so we will be meeting at 6.00pm at the Shoreline Cafe parking lot for our regular 6 mile loop out to the Bird Refuge. Don't forget to bring flashlights or headlamps. As usual we'll be going out for some kind of dinner after if you want. This goes on all Winter, pretty much rain or shine!
Finally, Friday we will be starting our bi-weekly masters swimming at Cathedral Oaks Athletic Club, courtesy of the management of West Coast Athletic Clubs. We'll start promptly at 6.00pm so get there early to warm up. If you aren't a member you will need to sign a waiver, unless you have one on file from our clinic earlier in the year. This is a coached workout so please respect the facility and the coaches by being ready. If you can't make it until 6.30pm then please find somewhere else to swim. This is an experiment that, if successful, will be offered throughout the Winter, every two weeks. The intention is that it be a combination swim and social opportunity. We'll come up with a place to go after the workout for either drinks, or dinner and drinks. I'm thinking Zodo's for Friday.
Look forward to seeing you somewhere this week, either on the road or in the pool, and make sure you have your calendar inked for our November meeting on the 13th.
The Pres.