Santa Barbara Triathlon Club Profile
Name: Scott DeVore
Years in Triathlon: 13
Employment: Dako, Supervisor, Pathology Systems R&D
Family Life: Single as they come
My Hero: My Father
Athletic Background: I played tennis competitively in my younger years, and only began running to take tennis to the NCAA level. I’m still learning how to swim to this day…
Favorite Race and why: IM Austria or SBTri…toss up between traveling to foreign lands and kicking Euro ass, or staying home and kicking LA Tri ass.
Worse Race and why: IM AZ …never do a race where the major product sponsor is Fig Newton, it makes for a long day.
This years goals: to compete in a dory race, survive the Trans-Tahoe Relay Swim, pick up distance paddling, perhaps re-qualify for Boston , and begin training for 09’s ascent up Aconcagua .
In five years I hope to: be as fit as I was 5 years ago
Something most people do not know about me: I’m a Wii Bowling Champion…you don’t want to mess with me.
Description of Scott DeVore: Tall, Blonde, Fit, and Easy on the Eyes...oh wait, that is a description of every girl Scott has ever dated.
A testament to Scott's great heart: Two years ago as I was busy sobbing and throwing up post-surgical vicodin in my bathroom, Scott patiently waited on my couch and every so often asked in a slightly nervous tone "you okay?" and "need anything?" and "hows it going Pukey McPukerson?". I know that if I had asked he would have most certainly held my hair back...that or he would pinched his nose and tossed me a pair of scissors so I could cut off my hair that way he wouldn't have to be in the nasty bathroom with me. That's my Devo...always looking out...for himself. Just kidding. He is a great next-door neighbor and and quite clearly an even better friend.
~Anne Illgen