Name: Barbarah Igreja
Years in Triathlon: 6 years
Employment: Currently desperately looking for a job
Outside Interests: Enjoy surfing , only done it 5 times.
Family Life: I have been living alone for 4 years now supporting myself and all, so family life kinda comes down to me, myself and some roomates.
Your Hero: The girl I considered my hero got caught in the doping test…very disappointed and looking for someone elso to look up to.
Athletic Background: I have a swimming background back in Brazil, swimming the nationals and than got into mountain biking and finally around 2004 I did my first triathlon and just fell in love…
Favorite Race and Why: LEPPING HALF IRON MAN(short course) Feb-2009 New Zealand. It was my farewell race. I never felt so relaxed and strong in a race, my head was full in the event and I had the best splits on all 3 and won the overall race. Funny, I woke up that morning thinging: Im just going to go out there, do my best, no pressure, im leaving anyway (catching the plane on the same day of the race) and I got an amazing result, and ever since than when I go into a race with that mentality I have very good surprises with the results.
Worst Race and Why: Last year in Brasil, There were so many things going on my personal life that I just couldn’t focus and deal with the pressure during the race, I was in 2 place going 3 and the crowd and shouting and supporting me but, it just wasn’t my day…I walked out I stopped. I was so embarrassed but I learned my lesson. NEVER STOP FINISH THE RACE.
Goals this Year: Race in USA and get to know my competidors and let them now me!Get my fitness back and go as hard as I can in any race I enter.
In 5 Years I Hope to: Be in the Olympic games of Rio. Have a sponsor and live the dream…
Something Most People Don’t Know About Me: well…A lot…Im a Virgo. Lol sorry don’t know what to say.