SB Tri Club Members on top of the podium just having fun! 

March 24, 2012 Lake Lopez, CA -

My goal this year is to do Alcatraz with Sandy Roberts and along the way do a few races mostly to support my awesome boyfriend who loves to race. I signed up for the March Series Triathlon a few weeks before race because I enjoyed racing around Lake Lopez in the past. A few days before the race the weather was sounding awful. I prepared my car for the onslaught of mud by putting a tarp down in the back. Got my old 1988 steel bike in there and hoped nobody would get hurt racing in the rain.

On race day Peter Nielson and I were running late to pick up our packets.

And parking was a nightmare (rookie mistake).We barely were allowed to set up our bikes in transition. The temp was 38 degrees out and we all were cold waiting for the swim start. Of course all the women were lumped into the last swim wave. So sixty-nine girls watched all the other waves leave. Finally the Announcer yelled 1 minute to go ladies. And I yelled, "Lets have some Fun Ladies" and we all yelled in unison.  Of course the first race buoy was mass of legs and arms like at Nite Moves but then it was all open lake with no one to draft after. However, I did find lots of men doing backstroke and doggie paddling out there to swim past. I'm always amazed why someone would sign up for a triathlon when I they don't know how to swim!!! Anyway, ran up the ramp to my bike and the sun was out.

Surprised and happy, I decided to do a quick transition with no gloves, socks or warm shirt to put on. Just get on the crazy old bike and go. Loved passing all the boys biking up and down the hills while the super fast college kids doing the Olympic course on carbon fiber bikes broke the sound barriers past me. Saw my guy Peter biking out there so I was happy that he was having a good race. Feeling cold but happy with one mile to go I passed young Andria Martinez who easily passed me back on the last uphill to the lake. So I got excited to try my luck on the 5K to finish strong despite my injured hip that makes running super painful.

My transition was super fast and off I went passing a few of my leapfrog guys that I saw while biking.

Before I hit mile 1, Peter was already coming back for a strong finish. So I willed myself not to walk! Coach Mateo (UCSB) helped by cheering wildly for all and he told me drink some water. So I actually drank some water and got a bit bummed when Andria passed me but I was still moving so I tried to stay with her. Excited that I was almost done running and I was getting some feeling back in my numb cold feet I ran up the last hill chasing Andria only to have my sweet boyfriend run with me trying to encourage me but full conversions with him were not great for a strong finish. Final stretch had Cindy Braden cheers telling me the finish line was around the corner and I was so happy. Even after 28 years of triathlons the finish line is the best feeling of accomplishment despite the pain. I finished said congrats to Andria and turning around to go cheer for my friends still out there!

--Kelly Knowles

(Editor note, Kelly is a generous supporter of racers of all abilities, with decades of race experience, and to be found on the race course, or cheering on racers; we all love "Jolly" for positive encouragement and great pictures she documents for the club.)


Results SB Tri Club Racers

Sue Beatty              1:25:09 1/4 F50-54 04/69 Female Overall Sprint

Kelly Knowles 1:29:43 1/5 F45-49 09/69 Female Overall Sprint

Peter Nielson            1:17:03 1/10 M40-44 07/85 Male Overall Sprint

Incoming New Member

J.Ritterback              2:25:50  02/15 Male 35-39 17/88 M30-39 Olympic


Friends of Santa Barbara Tri Club, UCSB Gauchos & Cal Poly Locals

(Click here for full March Triathlon Series Results) (If you are a SB Tri Member, and did not get acknowledged send an email to

These were the top local finishers. Impressive representation by potential future SB Tri members?

Andria Martinez 1:29:39 3/11 F30-34 03/69 Female Overall Sprint

Moose Warren 2:19:06 4/93 Female Collegiate Olympic

Brittany Braden  2:21:51 5/93 Female Collegiate Olympic (SB Tri Club Member Cindy Braden’s daughter)

Savannah Dearden 2:23:00 7/93 Female Collegiate Olympic

Matthew Organista 2:03:35 6/153 Male Collegiate Olympic

Jon Waltman 2:04:31 7/153 Male Collegiate Olympic

Stepan Paul  2:04:59 9/153 Male Collegiate Olympic

Zack Paris    2:06:18 11/153 Male Collegiate Olympic