Things you wish you new for your first Triathlon? This weekend is UCSB Triathlon Kendra's Race. Here is words of wisdom from those who want to see you succeed!

  1. Set a GOAL and make a Plan......  & see Kyle for the details, Kyle Visin
  2. Label your bags with Swim, Bike, Run (that's 3 bags), and pack accordingly - makes transition easy, Zack Bertges
  3. SMILE alot. No one really cares about YOUR TIME (unless you pass them) but you will look really GOOD in the PICTURES, Mike Simpson
  4. TEST your "GEAR" before race day, not on race day. You will be able to work out the "kinks", Carlos Gonzalez
  5. Don't over eat before the race. If you aren't having fun, at least laugh at yourself, Jerry Jackintell
  6. (bonus tip!) Have FUN, Rosie Thompson