What a blast on Saturday!! UCSB showed up sporting ' Superhero' costumes and a team hungry for their third successive victory. Determined to get SB Tri, they definitely brought there 'A Team'. A new addition this year was a very competitive team from the Rincon Triathlon Club, who fielded a men's team and a mixed team. Once the contest started it was Rincon that showed they were serious by leading the first leg of the swim. The format is teams of six people, either men, women or mixed, alternating between a very challenging 500 plus yard swim and a fast one mile run in the sand. The club that has the two fastest teams, head to head, are the winners. UCSB men's team were too much for either SB Tri or Rincon as they beat the men's team from the other two clubs. There mixed team came in second beating both of the other mixed teams. The one bright spot on the day for SB Tri was a victorious ladies team, that came in before the UCSB ladies, with a very balanced performance from both swimmers and runners.
After it was over we all met around the refreshments and awarded the very coveted trophy to the captains of the UCSB team, who in turn presented us with some very useful items. Prunes, adult diapers and bran cereal......wait until next year....paybacks are a bitch!!!
If you click on the photo link on our home page I have posted some pictures from Saturday. I may add a few more but encourage everyone to add comments and titles.
Lets do it next year, a very fun, competitive, but low key event. Next year we'll have a run that matches the swim and maybe even invest in some bouy balloons so we don't loose swimmers!!
The Pres.