There is a new open water swimming opportunity in town! Join One With The Ocean on Saturday mornings for a beach clean up and group swim.
Where: meet at Leadbetter Beach just in front of Shoreline Cafe
When: every Saturday for a beach clean up at 8:00am and then toes in the water at 8:30am.
Why: Our primary focus and goal is to build and sustain a community and humankind's love for the Ocean and get a great workout in. Above all else we dedicate the sessions to having fun and working with the water with like minded individuals.
BONUS Why: With the SB Triathlon in August this would serve as another added outlet for swimmers to come and join and work towards a better time and confident swim.
Who: One with the Ocean is a group of ocean lovers, athletes and adventure seekers of all ages and skill levels. We have had every level of swimmer from pool only to Olympic Triathlete. We pride ourselves in coming together and facing down those fears and challenges with Open Water Swimming and seek to improve our ability.