Clinical Nutritionist and SB Tri Club member Chris Latham shares her 3 Part Nutrition Series: Conditions Commonly Seen in Athletes. For more information on Chris and her services, visit
Conditions Commonly Seen in Athletes (Part 1): Inflammation
The word inflammation comes from the Latin "inflammo", meaning "I set alight, I ignite". Inflammation is the body's attempt at self-protection, the aim being to remove harmful stimuli (including damaged cells, irritants, or pathogens) and begin the healing process.
There are two types of inflammation:
- Acute: Rapid onset, such as with a splinter
- Chronic: Long term onset (months to years), which can lead to autoimmunity, heart disease, and cancer
- Stress / overtraining (increases oxidative stress and free radicals)
- Sleep deprivation / lack of sleep
- Chemicals / pollution
- Fast Food
- Obesity (fat cells are pro-inflammatory)
- Too many Omega-6s and not enough Omega-3s
- Ongoing pain in the joints and muscles
- Allergies or Asthma
- High blood pressure or blood sugar problems
- Ulcers and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)
- Fatigue / lethargy
- Skin problems
- CRP (C-reactive protein): This is a marker for inflammation in the body
- WBC (White blood cells): An increase in your WBC shows increased bodily inflammation.
Nutritional Recommendations
- Antioxidants
- Vitamin A: carrots, sweet potatoes
- Vitamin D: fish, milk
- Vitamin E: nuts, wheat germ oil
- Vitamin C: lemons, oranges, berries
Omega 3 Fish oil (EPA / DHA): 2500 mg/day. Our body cannot make this, so it must be achieved in our food or via professional, high quality supplements.