We are back to the two-day format!
Race weekend takes place August 27th and 28th.
Saturday Events:
- Long Course Triathlon & Relay
- Long Course Aquabike
Sunday Events:
- Co-Ed Sprint
- Duathlon
- Women-Only Sprint
- Parent-Child Team
Race Long Course on Saturday and the Sprint on Sunday to complete Club 53.3!
Register by April 15th to save 20%. There is no club discount for 2022. The current early bird pricing is the lowest that registration will cost.
For all Race/Event details and to Register, click HERE

Nite Moves is back for another fun and exciting season in 2022! Every Wednesday from May 18th through August 31st run, swim or do both (aquathon). Register for the full season or single Nite. Either way come out and join us for the fun & games at Nite Moves 2022.
Post Race events include live music, food, soft drinks and adult beverages, bib drawing door prizes and a variety of vendors throughout the summer.
On site registration begins at 5:15pm. Swim starts at 6:25pm, run at 6:35pm.

Club Discount Available
Use Code: to save 10% off registration
The 2XU Malibu Triathlon is an iconic event in one of the most beautiful locations in the world, bringing together athletes, celebrities, and Fortune 500 Corporations, for one common goal - to raise awareness and provide key funds for Pediatric Cancer Research at CHLA. The 2022 2XU Malibu Triathlon will be a two-day triathlon event.
Saturday, September 17th
Olympic Distance Triathlon
Individual, Corporate and Relay divisions
Sunday, September 18th
Classic Distance Triathlon (1/2 mile swim, 17 mile bike, 4 mile run)
Individual, Corporate and Relay divisions
More Information and Registration here: https://malibutri.com/
It's been over 5 years since our last Kona Sendoff Celebration and we are back with a BANG! We have five athletes going to Kona this year: Tom Rizk, Mike Swan, Danny Arnold, Jason Smith, and Jamie Haggar.
Come join us to celebrate their accomplishment while enjoying dinner and learning a bit about their journey.
Everyone is invited - Current and past members and your families. To ensure that we have enough food and drinks, please RSVP at the link below.
[Coming Soon]
Click here for more info and to RSVP: https://www.sbtriclub.com/end-of-season-22/
The Cheryl Diamond SB 5K Cancer Schlep brings together hundreds of participants of all ages from Santa Barbara and Southern California, bound together in solidarity to raise the hopes of those battling breast, ovarian, and prostate cancer. These cancers are the most common cancers afflicting both men and women. The SB 5K Cancer Schlep brings awareness and education to help further breast, ovarian and prostate cancer research, and treatments at the BRCA multi-disciplinary clinic at Israel’s Rabin Medical Center and supports the work of The Breast Cancer Resource Center of Santa Barbara, CA.
The Schlep benefits:
- The Santa Barbara breast, ovarian, and prostate cancer communities
- Global research studies on breast and ovarian cancer cures, and BRCA mutation carriers
- The BRCA Multidisciplinary Clinic at Rabin’s Davidoff Center of Rabin’s Medical Center in Israel
- Raising global awareness for BRCA genetic screening for breast & ovarian cancer
8:30 AM - Registration Opens
9:30 AM - Pre-Race Announcements
10:00 AM - Race Begins
11:30 AM - Post-Race Announcements & Awards
Registration Costs $45
Register here: https://runsignup.com/Race/CA/SantaBarbara/SB5KSchlep
Join us for our first group ride of the season!
Matt Ison will be leading our first group ride of the season on Sunday February 19th, leaving 9 AM from East Beach.
Route: SB Tri Club First of 2023 Ride! | 31.5 mi Cycling Route on Strava
Thanks to Coach Matt for leading these group rides for us! Learn more about his coaching business, Coach Matt Powered, here: https://www.coachmattpowered.com/
- Bike route part of Brick: Short Brick RIDE Route | 3.6 mi Cycling Route on Strava
- Run route part of Brick: Short Brick RUN Route | 1.0 mi Running Route on Strava
Thanks to Coach Matt for inviting us to these brick sessions! Learn more about his coaching business, Coach Matt Powered, here: https://www.coachmattpowered.com/

Join us for a group virtual ride on Zwift!
To make it easier than ever for club members to hang out and break a sweat together, we have created a SB Tri Zwift club for virtual group rides, runs and structured workouts. One of our club members, Ethan Culler, will be hosting virtual group rides every other Tuesday evening. Zwift group workouts are FTP-based, so the workout numbers will auto-adjust based on your FTP as it is set in Zwift. We will also be able to chat/talk to one another while doing the ride together!
You can join these events from the club view in the zwift companion app (for mobile devices).
Click here to join the Zwift SB Tri Club and see the upcoming workouts: https://www.zwift.com/clubs/6fc9b08c-c265-4818-bf03-fa5ffd3b4f8e/home
Learn more about Zwift here: https://us.zwift.com/

Join us for our inaugural club workout / hangout!
We'll do a 5K run along the waterfront, starting and ending at Brass Bear in the Funk Zone where we can spend more time socializing with our fellow athletes. All paces welcome.